In all my books on Prayer, intercession features prominently because of its importance in the prayer covenant. As well as aiding answered prayers, if we pray for others we find favour with God. Intercession is a selfless prayer rendered on behalf of others; it could be a sick neighbour, church, nation, family, colleagues, suffering couples under threat of separation, or singles struggling with relationships.
More importantly, God commands intercession. Paul’s exhortation on intercession in 1 Tim. 2: 1 -8 is instructive. Jesus prayed for Peter when he was about to fall. Intercession can resist the Devil. It can cause God to relent in his righteous indignation. When we intercede, we remind God of our prayers. Real intercession is when we pray for those who are not directly related to us. Disaster victims worldwide need our help as much as our prayers.
Missionaries, who are in dangerous terrain, especially where the preaching of the gospel is outlawed, need our intercession for divine protection. They are fulfilling the great commission, a major mandate of the global church handed down by the Lord Jesus Christ before he ascended.
There’s great wisdom in doing what God commands and then asking for his loving-kindness as we confront our own challenges.
For more details contact:
Ladi Ayodeji Gospel Association, LAGA.
Tel: 09059243004, email:
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