In the entire bible, I reckon that John 3:16- ‘For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him will not perish but have everlasting life, to be the greatest passage in the holy book.
This passage speaks of God’s love in a special way. When sin entered the world, condemnation and death followed. God is a God of judgment; he had no choice but to execute justice.
However, rather than serve justice on sinful man, he decided to slay his only begotten son.
This substitutionary sacrifice is the core of the Christian faith. The adherents of other faith can’t comprehend it because it doesn’t make sense.
Things of God don’t usually make sense to the people outside the covenant. When someone commits an offence, they are expected to pay for it.
However, God chose to use his son as the lamb of sacrifice rather than punish man just for only one reason John 3:16.
It staggers the imagination. It delimits the love of God for man. Nothing ever invented can measure God’s love for man.
This is why everyone should follow Jesus. He gave his life as a ransom for all those who accept him as Lord and saviour. To gain eternal life, God is not asking you to pay any other price, just accept Jesus as your Lord and saviour, and accept that he died for your sin. That’s all! It’s as simple as that.
We shall continue this teaching next week.
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